I’m sure most women have been sent some kind of unsolicited dick pic before, but this woman thought of the best way to get revenge on the guy who did just that.
Mariclare Michelle, 23, had accepted the man’s social media request, and just 12 hours later he sent her a digital sausage delivery.
As they shared mutual friends, Mariclare accepted his request, which was soon followed with a message complimenting her on her blue eyes and freckles, and telling her how they make him ‘weak’.

Following his advances, Mariclare politely told him she had a boyfriend, to which he simply asked if they could still be friends. However, soon afterwards, he continued to shower her with compliments.
After declining the advances, Mariclare received the unsolicited pictures – with the man even asking her if she liked what she saw when she didn’t respond.
Some people never fail to amaze me.

Mariclare claims she saw the images when half-asleep (since the guy sent them to her at 6:30am), and after telling her boyfriend, Nick Reifert, the pair decided to prank the pervert.
Mariclare, from Seattle, Washington, US, pretended she couldn’t see the pictures and asked if he’d sent her a meme. The man responded ‘not exactly’.
Mariclare then messaged him saying:
What was it? Usually I can’t see the picture if it’s nudity. I have a porn blocker on my phone and it sends the info immediately to my local police from the pictures data.
I know it’s silly but you can never be too careful with creepy guys on the internet sending out unsolicited dick pics.
In a panic, the penis pic perv fessed up that he had in fact sent her a dick pic and blamed it on ‘drinking too much’.

The 23-year-old then replied:
Well I hate to say this but those pictures are probably being looked over at my local Sexual Crimes Against Women unit.
Which probably means they already have pictures of your face now too because of your profile.. you should look into getting a lawyer if I were you.
Oof drinking way to much..? Don’t know if that will make a good case.
The man then blocked Mariclare from sending him any more messages. He’s probably still peering out behind his bedroom blinds now in case the police arrive at his house.
Moral of the story guys, the way to a woman’s heart is definitely not through dick pics – whether she’s single or not.
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Niamh Shackleton is a pint sized person and journalist at UNILAD. After studying Multimedia Journalism at the University of Salford, she did a year at Caters News Agency as a features writer in Birmingham before deciding that Manchester is (arguably) one of the best places in the world, and therefore moved back up north. She’s also UNILAD’s unofficial crazy animal lady.