We all get annoyed by our partner’s bad habits and while some people bottle up their frustrations one woman decided to document them all on Instagram.
Known on Instagram as ‘gomi_sutero’ – ‘throw away your trash’ in Japanese – her handle pretty much sums up her situation, but pictures speak a thousand words and some of the scenes her husband creates have to be seen to be believed.
The couple, who live in Fukuoka Prefecture, have been married for five years. The wife first cottoned on to her husband’s mess when she spotted socks discarded on the ground and used tissue paper lying around but things escalated as he started getting more adventurous with his habit.
According to Buzzfeed News, the Japanese woman initially shared photos of the baffling scenes only with close friends as she posted them on her personal account, however she decided to make them public after one of her friends suggested the idea.
The account gained popularity after it was shared on Twitter and gomi_sutero now has over 453,000 followers.
Photos include precariously balanced hairbrushes, spray bottles and plants and while the husband appears to leave things lying around all over the house it seems the bathroom is his favourite place to wreak havoc.
If you get frustrated at the sight of a toilet paper roll going under instead of over then this Instagram account will certainly be triggering. One photo shows the roll having been replaced but the old, empty roll has been placed back on top.
Another image shows a new toilet paper roll balanced on top of one which is still in use, while elsewhere a dozen rolls have been built into a tower in the corner of the bathroom.
Other posts display hairbrushes and razors tucked into the hole of the toilet paper, while one shows a plant pot hanging from the holder.
Who knew there were so many ways to utilise toilet paper?
The wife reportedly told Buzzfeed News her husband is unaware of the account, so it’s not like he’s creating the scenes to impress the thousands of amused followers. He’s only interested in getting the attention of his wife, though she admitted he’d probably ‘laugh a lot’ if he did come across the Instagram page.
Thankfully the messy man knows not to cause too much chaos, as she admitted he’ll tidy up when he needs to.
In the meantime, however, let’s hope he keeps coming up with his weird and wonderful creations!
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Emily Brown first began delivering important news stories aged just 13, when she launched her career with a paper round. She graduated with a BA Hons in English Language in the Media from Lancaster University, and went on to become a freelance writer and blogger. Emily contributed to The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Student Problems before becoming a journalist at UNILAD, where she works on breaking news as well as longer form features.