Woman Starts Very Heated Debate On Mumsnet About Shaving ‘Down There’

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It’s a debate that’s been raging on throughout the ages – what is the acceptable practice when it comes to shaving ‘down there’?


Fashion throughout the decades has dictated shaving trends and divided those on both sides of the fence, on whether to shave it all or keep it au naturel, but it’s now come down to the users of Mumsnet to come to a conclusion on it once and for all.

Posting under the thread title ‘So does everyone *ahem* shave their foof?’, user Sisterelephant said:

But going by this, she definitely wasn’t the minority. As one user quickly replied:

And it seemed many more agreed that you can’t knock the retro look:

However, this debate got a bit more heated once the shavers got involved:

With some claiming that it’s ‘more hygienic’ to do so:

However, new research showed that it was in fact more hygienic to leave pubic hair, as it offered a ‘natural barrier’ to keep things clean.

But those who like to keep their pubic hair fired back, claiming those who shave it all look ‘pubescent’ and ‘like a child’:

But in the end, this user summed it up perfectly:

Each to their own, as long as your comfortable in your own skin that’s all that really matters.