Woman To Go On Date With Guy Who Hacked Her Tinder On Lost Phone

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Remember that bloke who found a woman’s phone on a train, hijacked her Tinder profile and left a creepy message on her Facebook wall?

Well, he’s somehow now managed to bag a date with her.

Monica Cook/Facebook

Yes, really. It seems the Australian DJ Monica Cook is going to buy a drink for the mysterious ‘Luke’ to thank him after handing in her smartphone at Town Hall station, Sydney.


But you’ve got to remember that this wasn’t before he had swiped right on his Tinder profile from her phone and left this cringey Facebook message…

Monica Cook/Facebook

After she regained control of her Facebook account she did freak the fuck out a bit at first…

Monica Cook/Facebook

But then decided despite being ‘weirded out’ by the gesture she would consider going on a date with him…

Monica Cook/Facebook

We thought he needed a few lessons in the art of seduction, but it seems Monica liked the creepy as fuck vibe ‘Luke’ was giving off. Who said romance was dead?

She now seems to be following through with her promise and despite the weird message, she believes it was more of a ‘lighthearted humorous gesture’…

Monica Cook/Facebook

She added ‘Luke’ had ‘game’, was ‘ballsy’ and had ‘honesty’. Hmm, not too sure about that.

Is this a classic Romeo and Juliet story in the making? I highly doubt it…