Women Are Actually Better Drivers Than Men, Study Confirms

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It’s a debate that’s divided the nation for years – causing countless arguments – and probably ending in many uncomfortable nights on the sofa for many spouses.

But thanks to a study carried out by – it has been revealed that female drivers have been unnecessarily branded as the inferior sex, with stats proving women drivers are actually far better than their male counterparts.


According to the research, women are statistically safer drivers than men. Just let that sink in.

Wikimedia Commons

In 2017, 585,000 British drivers found themselves in court for motoring offences – of which a jaw dropping 69% were male.

Breaking that number down into individual motoring offences, the research shows that men dominated each and every category, which includes speeding, driving without insurance, careless driving, drink-driving, not having car tax and several other offences.

Anyone actually shocked by these numbers completely baffle me.

The amount of boy racers I’ve witnessed rallying around in souped-up cars like they’re cruising around in Maserati’s – and not in their mum’s Vauxhall Corsa sport – seriously makes me question why this topic was even up for debate in the first place.


It’s pretty much common knowledge that female drivers tend to pay less than men when it comes to insurance – another indication that they’re the statistically safer gender on the road.


Another key figure to consider is insurance claim history – of which men once again take up the largest share with 65% of all car insurance claims made in 2017 belonging to males – while women make up a significantly lesser 35%.

Motoring editor Amanda Stretton shutdown the gender debate by proving women can hold their own behind the wheel.


She said:

As a female racing driver, I know women can hold their own when it comes to driving, and data suggests that they are in fact safer on the roads. And this is reflected in the fact that they are paying almost £100 less for their car insurance premiums.

But regardless of who is paying more, men or women, car insurance is a cost that is unavoidable for all drivers and is one of the many reasons motoring is becoming unaffordable.

Move over gents, women rule the roads.

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