Women Are More Attracted To Tattooed Men, Study Finds


Incredible news for tattooed Lotharios looking for love, a study says it’s a lot easier than for your clear-skinned competition.

As a man with a few tattoos myself this comes as most welcome news – especially because they’re quite expensive and painful so it is good to know it was worth it.

Apparently two-thirds of women prefer to date tattooed men. This is from a study by dating app Type as reported by the Metro.

Lined 2 years ago, mostly healed, thanks Jordan

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The research found 64% of women want a date with some tattoos, while only 39% of men like their ladies illustrated. I firmly fall in that 39% there is something irresistible about tattoos for me.

The great news about this story is that anyone can get tattooed really. It’s not like a study finding that women preferring men with blue eyes or something you can’t control like that.

Made a start on this ? and ? piece today for Dan, cheers man

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What I will say is that the type of tattoo probably matters a bit. Getting a hotdog tattooed on your forehead probably isn’t your shortcut to true love.

You’ve also got to consider your future employment prospects before going under the needle. While most of our generation are totally okay with ink the reality is the majority of people doing the hiring are from the generation before ours and they can have slightly less enlightened views on tattoos.


If this study has convinced you that you need some art on your skin I have two pieces of advice for you. Firstly what you want tattooed is less important than who you want to tattoo it. A great artist will take even your most ridiculous ideas and make something you can be proud of, whereas a bad artist can ruin even the most well thought out ideas.


Check out the very NSFW Instagram Snake Pit for some truly stunning examples from both ends of spectrum.

My second piece of advice for you is once you’ve settled on an artist and a design, sit on it for a couple of months before diving in.

HEALED. On the headless horseman of the sexypocolypse, Liam ?

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I’ve had so many terrible tattoo ideas that I fortunately never went through with – and more than a few that I did.