It’s not just a case of shave it, trim it or rip it all off, there is actually a vast range of pubic hair ‘options’ out there and these students feel people aren’t talking about the topic enough.
To investigate further, they took their trimmers to the streets, to explore what women prefer and the huge array of different styles they can choose from, the Mirror reports.
The two Bristol students, Alex Heal and Jess Sartenaer felt there is not enough conversation going on about how ladies like to style their bits and aimed to break the taboo by confronting the question head on.

It started initially as a chat between friends but quickly escalated as they decided to open up their debate to the public and get them talking about their preferences on their lady parts. Not only did the girls initiate the pubic quiz, they took it one step further by getting them to ‘illustrate’ their go-to designs.
One of the girls they approached, understandably, said it ‘depended on the season,’ as to how much growth she would opt for and what shape she would choose. The vast majority of the interviewees coyly revealed they liked the ‘all-off’ approach of the Hollywood, or the landing strip version of the Brazilian.
However, some admitted they preferred a more natural lady garden, choosing to shy away from the waxing strips and tweezers and opt for a low-maintenance, good old-fashioned trim instead.

The mastermind behind this pubic-hair-talking hub, Alex, is a third year Politics and French student and disclosed how the bizarre topic of conversation cropped up.
She said:
The idea came about when my fellow head of women’s interest, Jess Sartenaer, and I were chatting with one of our friends who was complaining about how painful, expensive and inconvenient she finds waxing.
It got us thinking about the reasons why we put ourselves through this and started wondering if other women felt the same way.
We both feel it is vital that the media addresses topics which have previously been seen as taboo.

There we have it, two pioneering students’ successful attempt at knocking down social barriers and introducing an ‘unusual’ subject into the public eye and I can’t commend them enough.