‘World’s Fattest Kid’ Loses More Than Half His Body Weight

World's Fattest Kid Loses More Than Half His Body WeightAde Rai/Instagram

A teenage boy described as the ‘world’s fattest kid’ when he was just 10 years old has managed to lose more than half of his body weight. 

Arya Permana, from the Pasir Piring hamlet of Cipurwasari village in West Java, Indonesia, first made headlines in 2016 after his ‘appetite increased extremely’ and he gained a lot of weight, eventually weighing in at 193kg (30st 3lbs).

The then 10-year-old embarked on his weight-loss mission with the help of personal trainer and professional bodybuilder Ade Rai, who supervises Arya during his workouts.

Check out Arya’s transformation below:

The young student, who is now 13 years old, describes Ade as his ‘uncle’ and told Asia One the pair initially bonded over video games.

He said:

When I met him for the first time, uncle Ade asked me to play PlayStation with him.

Ade helped Arya get involved in a number of sporting activities and has supported him through the numerous medical procedures the teenager has undergone as part of his transformation.

After three years of check-ups, diet programmes, workout regimes and plastic surgery, Arya has lost more than 100kg and now weighs 86kg (13st 5lbs).

Before Arya underwent gastric sleeve surgery in 2017, he had been officially declared the heaviest boy on record by the Indonesian version of the Guinness World Records, the Indonesian World Records Museum.

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“Mas ade, katanya kalau kita fitness , badan nya nanti tambah besar tapi ‘anu’ nya kita nanti jadi tambah kecil ya?” 🙈… Fitnessmania… dahulu kala berat badan saya hanya 55 kg dengan tinggi badan yang sama seperti hari ini 183 cm, pada saat itu ukuran JARI KELINGKING saya besar nya normal spt ini🤘… Beberapa tahun kemudian ketika saya tambah rajin fitness nya, berat saya menjadi 87 kg, terutama massa otot saya bertambah termasuk bagian OTOT PAHA saya, uniknya UKURAN jari kelingking saya pun tetap sama. Dalam hal ini tidak terjadi pemBESARan atau pengKECILan ukuran jari kelingking saya, yang terjadi sesunguhnya adalah justru bagian tubuh saya yang lain lah yang membesar, terutama otot PAHA saya .. sehingga ILUSI yang tersampaikan seolah-olah ukuran jari kelingking saya yang mengecil… Mohon tidak salah paham ya fitnesmania🙏 FOTO di atas pun demikian.. tidak terjadi pemBESARAN atau pengKECILan pada tubuh saya, namun yang terjadi adalah pengecilan di tubuh @ariaa.prm ( dari 193 kg menjadi 83 kg), sehingga ILUSI yang tersampaikan seolah-olah di foto ini UKURAN saya yang bertambah membesar ha3… Moral dari cerita ini, Fitnessmania .. bagi TEMAN-TEMAN yg sampai saat ini masih merasa TAKUT kalau nanti kita fitness, badan atau otot nya membesar akan menyebabkan “anu” mengecil? Jangan khawatir yaa .. TIPSnya sederhana.. ingin “anu” nya terlihat besar? “kecilin paha !” 👏👍🏻…. 😂😂 #cerdasfitness #selfreliance #lifelongfitness #naturalbodybuilding #fatloss #wellbeing #pleasantness #body #body #health #mind #peace #emotion #love #lifeenergy #bliss #being #conciousness #infinity #sca #alliswell 🙏

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The teen’s transformation is incredible, though his weight loss journey isn’t over yet. Hardisiswo Soedjana, the chief of the plastic surgery team for Arya’s case, told Asia One the 13-year-old will undergo at least two more surgeries to help remove the excess skin left after the weight loss.

Soedjana explained:

We will do a procedure on his arms. Afterwards, we will lift his breast skin. Next, there will be steps to remove the excess skin on his belly.

Luckily, Arya’s procedures are to be paid by the Health Care and Social Security Agency.

Ade commended the teenager’s efforts and said that despite having a big challenge ahead of him Arya never lost his ambition while undergoing his transformation. The 13-year-old has also been consistently encouraged by his parents and his medical team, as well as Ade.


The personal trainer explained:

According to Arya’s parents, initially he weighed 85kg before his appetite increased extremely. He is now losing weight without losing his spirit. This is a rare quality, especially among adults.

Ade went on to describe how Arya’s story can be used as inspiration for many, explaining:

Arya is now a symbol of hope. People now say: ‘Even Arya can lose weight, so why can’t I?’

Arya, who will celebrate his 14th birthday in February, should certainly be proud of his achievements.


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