A YouTuber had to be rescued by emergency services after a prank involving his head, a microwave and a load of Polyfilla went seriously wrong.
Now I’ve seen people do dumb things in my time, but this is up there with the stupidest – even watching it is making me feel I need to take deep breaths.
Jay Swingler, who is one half of TGFbro, along with a ‘friend’ mixed seven bags of Polyfilla before pouring it around his head, which was in a plastic bag (stupid) inside the microwave.

Jay had a plastic tube for breathing purposes and off they went, filming the whole fiasco from a garage of a house in Fordhouses, Wolverhampton.
The intention, presumably, was to use the microwave as a mould, I don’t know why.
As the Polyfilla set, the makeshift breathing tube started to get blocked up and it was obvious he was in real danger.
Panicking, his mate tried to dismantle the microwave but it didn’t work – and after a while, an ambulance, and West Midlands Fire Service were called out – and needless to say it didn’t go down well.
The fire service’s official account tweeted:
We’re seriously unimpressed. Five of our firefighters were tied up for an hour this afternoon, freeing a YouTube pranker whose head had been ‘cemented’ inside a microwave oven.
We're seriously unimpressed ?.
Five of our firefighters were tied up for an hour this afternoon, freeing a YouTube pranker whose head had been 'cemented' inside a microwave oven. Read more: https://t.co/6bZReGuKQX (Photos © West Midlands Fire Service) pic.twitter.com/2ch2UhszeH— West Midlands Fire (@WestMidsFire) December 7, 2017
People commenting didn’t seem to be too impressed either, and even the Prince’s Trust tweeted a response.
They said: ‘Not only is this sort of ‘prank’ incredibly dangerous, it takes up valuable emergency service crews when they could be dealing with genuine emergencies. #dontbestupid.’
Not only is this sort of 'prank' incredibly dangerous, it takes up valuable emergency service crews when they could be dealing with genuine emergencies. #dontbestupid
— Bham East PT (@BhamEastPTteam) December 7, 2017
Sounds like a delicate rescue!
— Surrey Fire & Rescue (@SurreyFRS) December 7, 2017
I'm all for backing people on innocent mistakes – e.g. people getting stuck up a tree. But with stuff like this, it would be nice to be able to send them the bill for the costs.
— Martin Baker (@ytfcbadger) December 7, 2017
And so you should be! You boys and girls are under a lot of pressure without having to deal with #wannabes looking for their 15 minutes of ‘fame’ please send these plebs the call out bill, that’ll give them something to look back on when they’re on the next reality tv rubbish!!
— Kian (@Kian1977) December 7, 2017
"Pranksters"… always been a misspelling of "Self-indulgent Unamusing Desperate for Notoriety Fuckwits". And that was even before Social Media made them feel particularly self-important.
— Huish Hugh (@HuishHugh) December 7, 2017
I seriously think its about time pranksters and extreme sports enthusiasts pay a premium for emergency services when their stunts go wrong! Send out a message! If you need help from your crazy stunts then be prepared to pay for the rescue!
— •● AMRAN ●• (@AyroxHeyan) December 8, 2017
love jay, but this could have been easily avoided by you know, not cementing a microwave to your head. he deserved the help but he also should pay i think for wasting their time on something which couldve been very easily avoided
— nymph (@boomitsmaia) December 7, 2017
If they left him he most likely would have died, the cement they used was expanding, literally crushing his skull as it was doing so
— Nogy (@iFunnyNogy) December 7, 2017
Unimpressed? For what, saving a mans life? surely its your job to respond to a call where someones life is in danger. How can you be unimpressed.
If you're unimpressed with having to save a man while doing your job then I dont think you've chosen the right career.
— Debonair Media (@DebonairMedia) December 7, 2017
@JohnEdwards33 I hope you plan to press charges against the perpetrators. Or recovering the costs from them via the civil courts.
— (((Paul Sandars))) #FBPE (@PaulSandars) December 7, 2017
I hope you are billing him for the time wasted, the prat could have cost someone their life. Should have left him
— Shinny (@Shinny07746880) December 7, 2017
Wanting to watch the video – go on then, here it is:
Shaun Dakin, the officer in charge of the fire crew who responded, said:
As funny as this sounds, this young man could quite easily have suffocated or have been seriously injured.
Taking the microwave apart was tricky, because a lot of it was welded. ‘We video-called our technical rescue colleagues for advice and eventually managed to get him unstuck.
He was very relieved when we removed a large chunk of the Polyfilla with a screwdriver, allowing him to breathe more easily. But we had to be extremely careful with the screwdriver, working so closely to his head.
It took us nearly an hour to free him. ‘All of the group involved were very apologetic, but this was clearly a call-out which might have prevented us from helping someone else in genuine, accidental need.
Looking at the YouTube channel, the pranksters enjoy getting themselves in all sorts of sticky situations.
Videos of theirs include taking baths in substances such as fake tan, gelatine, expanding foam, solid concrete, and doing a sand paper slip’n’slide.