71-Year-Old Reveals Secret To Her Young Looks Is ‘Eating Kebabs Everyday’

@adjapekkan / Instagram

Good news guys, kebabs are good for you and your skin!

Well, maybe not for everyone but definitely in the case of Turkish singer Ajda Pekkan, who is a remarkable 71 years of age.

Pekkan first shot to fame in the 1970s, no doubt throwing back doners like they were going out of fashion – her diet – well, it’s pretty much stayed the same.

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In a new interview with local media, Pekkan revealed the secrets to her youthful face.

She said:

I am always very careful about what I am eating.

I can’t say I limit my choice in food. I like kebab and fish.

I’m walking, drinking a lot of water. I cannot think of life without water.

Yemek de yaparım kariyer de? Ajda'nın Mutfağı?

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Pekkan also thanks regular workouts, a boob job and anti-ageing spas in Swizterland for her physical health.

She added:

Every morning I drink ginger-lemon-honey mixture in a glass of water.

I never wanted to be a beautiful woman figure. But I always protect my body.

Genetics and sport are very important to stay in shape.

Bir pazar günlüğü.. ??

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Last year, the veteran singer was voted one of four of Turkey’s ‘most powerful women’ – she was subsequently invited to The Hollywood Reporter’s Women in Entertainment Power 100 event in the US.

Other women in attendance were Susan Sarandon, Emma Stone and Jessica Lange.

As for the baby front, Adja revealed she is thinking about having a child.

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She said she’s already spoken to US and Indian doctors regarding artificial fertilisation.

Adja hit the big time in Turkey after appearing in a string of movies and shortly after, she embarked on a career in music.

She even represented her home country in the 1980 Eurovision song contest.

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It was the stepping stone onto the US music scene, leading to comparisons with people like Cher.

I’m not shy about kebabs, but I doubt I’d ever look as good as Adja if I’m being perfectly honest. I’m 23 and have crows feet!

What an inspiration, though.