Could Wu-Tang’s $2M One-Off Album Be Legally Stolen By Bill Murray?


The latest twist in the story regarding Wu-Tang Clan’s infamous one-of-a-kind album is outdoing all the weirdness that’s gone before it. 

From the moment in March 2014 that RZA – the producer and de facto leader of the iconic rap group – announced that only one copy of Once Upon a Time in Shaolin would be made and sold to the highest bidder, the project has been shrouded in secrecy and controversy.

At the time RZA told Forbes:

We’re about to put out a piece of art like nobody else has done in the history of music. We’re making a single-sale collector’s item. This is like someone having the sceptre of an Egyptian king.


However, the most recent development has to be seen to be believed. It was reported yesterday on that bad boy executive Martin Shkreli had purchased Wu-Tang’s highly sought-after album for $2 million but now there is speculation that the contract Shkreli signed comes with an unprecedented and hilarious clause.

According to an apparent excerpt from the contract posted to Twitter by Rob Wesley, every active member of the Wu-Tang Clan is entitled to steal back the album with no legal repercussions – and so is Bill Murray. The entire clause, as written in the alleged contract, can be read below. The post is as yet unconfirmed, but just imagine if it could happen.

The thought of a combination of Wu Tang and Bill Murray launching a Ocean’s 11 style heist to liberate the one-off album from the fortified safe of Shkreli’s vault has film rights written all over it.