‘Creepy’ Video Shows Drake ‘Kissing And Stroking’ 17-Year-Old Girl On Stage

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A video from one of Drake’s concerts has emerged, showing the singer onstage with a fan, kissing and hugging her, before he finds out the girl is only 17 years old.


Once he finds out, however, he continues to flirt with the girl and kiss her.

The footage was shot in Colorado in 2010, when Drake was 23, and has now surfaced after a recent documentary series – Surviving R. Kelly – sparked discussions about alleged misconduct by musicians and artists.


The ‘creepy’ video shows Drake onstage with a fan, before he wraps his arms around her from behind and kisses her neck. He then says: ‘I told you I like your hair, right? What is this? Herbal Essences? Smells fresh.’


Following this, he turns to the crowd and says: ‘Y’all are going to have me get carried away, I get in trouble for sh*t like this.’

It’s at this point he asks ‘How old are you?’ And when the girl responds with ’17’, Drake seems to freak out, saying: ‘I can’t go to jail yet, man! Why do you look like that?!’

It doesn’t end there though, as the singer continues:


Well look, I had fun. I don’t know whether I should feel guilty or not, but I had fun.

I like the way your breasts feel against my chest. I just want to thank you.

He then kisses her a few more times before she leaves the stage.

Check it out:

While some people have responded saying Drake hasn’t technically done anything wrong as the age of consent in Colorado, where the video was shot, is 17, others were alarmed by his conduct.


One person responded:

i trust no man in the industry at this point cause wtf

Another said:

This speaks to a much bigger societal problem when it comes to courting/grooming younger people. im glad theyre all getting aried out smh [sic]

A third responded:

Im so disgusted by his response after she said her age. No respect.

Drake has been making headlines more for his conduct than his music recently, with his feud with Kanye ongoing. While some people also brought up his friendship with 14-year-old Millie Bobbie Brown.


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