Drake Comes Clean About Relationship With Rihanna In New Album

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Drake’s new album, Views From The 6, was only released this morning, but the release itself is already old news – although that isn’t to say that Drake is. 

Rumour has it that in the album track, Hype, Drake drops some huge hints that himself and Rhianna are a pair.

In the song Drake sings the line, ‘They want to be on TV right next to me / You cannot be right here next to me / Don’t you see Riri right next to me?’ Committed.

face drakeTwitter / Drake

And as you can probably imagine, Hype has gone and caused quite a lot of, well, hype (sorry), with hundreds taking to Twitter to shout out about the possible revelation:

Essentially the song itself appears to be about people who are trying to befriend him for his fame, and the line that references RiRi is about girls wanting to be by his side.

But now it would appear that the position is no longer vacant, as it’s been filled by Rihanna apparently.

Some even took it too far perhaps:

When Rihanna grinded on Drake as they performed Work together earlier this year, many speculated that something was going on between the two.

It has also been reported that they’ve been spending a helluva lot more time with each other recently.

But are they really together again? I don’t know. I couldn’t care less to be honest.

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Earlier this week Drake made the news again as people ripped the shit out of the Views From The 6 album cover.

Oh Drake.