Drake’s Shaved His Beard And Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again

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PA / Instagram

In news that nobody should care about, it looks like Drake may have shaven his beard. But because the world is a mad and scary place, people are making out like it’s the fucking apocalypse. 

Apparently in the very early hours of May 13, Drake uploaded a picture of himself looking incredibly fresh faced before deleting it in just seconds, according to Mashable.

But of course, the spectacularly blury image had already been saved onto the laptops of thousands of Drake fanboys and girls, with many taking to Twitter to voice their concern as if in shaving his beard he had gone against them all like an eternal betrayer – a Judas to the world of half-hearted commercial hip hop.


Here’s a couple of our favourite tweets:

Oh dear.


Thankfully somewhere in the abyss of manic anger and confusion somebody had some sense left:

What a world eh.