Eagles of Death Metal Speak Out About Bataclan Paris Attack

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Band members from The Eagles of Death Metal have spoken out in an emotional interview about the Bataclan concert hall massacre.

The rock band – whose fans were gunned down by terrorists in Paris last week – talked to Vice about the killings.

Marion Ruzniewski/Getty Images

The Eagles of Death Metal were performing in the Bataclan concert hall when gunmen burst in and fired indiscriminately into the crowd. They managed to escape the killings, but 89 people died in the venue.


Several people fled to the band’s dressing room, but the brutal attackers followed them and killed all but one who was hiding under lead singer Jesse Hughes’ leather jacket.

Speaking to Vice, Hughes spoke about how many died purely because they refused to leave their friends behind.

He said:

A great reason why so many were killed was because so many people wouldn’t leave their friends. So many people put themselves in front of people. Several people hid in our dressing room and the killers were able to get in and killed every one of them except for a kid who was hiding under my leather jacket. People were playing dead and they were so scared.


The band released a statement on Facebook after the killings speaking of their ‘horror’ of the attacks and paying tribute to those whose lives were taken, calling for unity with ‘a common goal of love and compassion’.


The massacre at the Bataclan concert hall was one of many in a series of attacks across Paris earlier this month, which killed 130 people.

All EODM shows are on hold until further notice.