Fans Seriously Worried For Jessica Simpson After She Shares Photo Of Swollen Foot

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If we were to count the number of people who have ever used Google to self-diagnose their symptoms, we’d be here for days. Probably months.


In fact, if I were to take a guess I’d say around 99 per cent of everyone reading this article has done it at least once in their lifetime.

Which means you’ll probably sympathise with Jessica Simpson, who has gone one step further and asked Twitter for help in diagnosing her extremely swollen foot.


The American singer posted a picture of her foot to her Twitter account yesterday (January 10), which on any other day might seem a tad strange.

Don’t worry though, it’ll soon become clear that she’s not just doing it for the retweets; when you take a look at the picture, you’ll see that her foot is twice the size it’s supposed to be.


Addressing her 6.7 million followers, the Take My Breath Away singer wrote:

Any remedies?! Help!!!!

Yikes. So what is it that’s causing the swelling? Is it an allergic reaction, a broken foot or maybe even a bee sting?


If you answered ‘none of the above’, then you would be correct as the swollen foot appears to be a particularly nasty complication of her pregnancy.

The mum-of-two (soon to be three) has documented her pregnancy on social media for the past few months, with her feet seemingly being a central problem throughout.

Shortly after posting the picture yesterday, concerned fans commented in their hundreds, offering advise and suggestions for what could be causing the swelling.


More specifically, her followers worried Jessica could have preeclampsia – which, according to the Mayo Clinic, is ‘a pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system’.

The complication usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had previously been normal, and can lead to serious complications for both the mother and baby if left untreated.

Symptoms of preeclampsia include shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, severe headaches, and blurred vision – as well as many more.

Obviously, the picture caused concern among the singer’s followers, who immediately rushed to advise her on what to do.


One person wrote:

Girl I’ve survived preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome 3 times. Call your dr and get urine protein checked and blood pressure right away!!

While another replied:

Please go see a doctor ASAP!! My sister had preeclampsia and it stared just like that!! Elevate and ice to relieve pressure, but see a doctor ASAP!! Can’t wait to see that baby!!

And another said:

I agree. Call the doctor NOW. My feet were like this with my first pregnancy. I rapidly went from pre eclampsia to full blown eclampsia. Thank God I went to the hospital before my health deteriorated. You are probably fine but don’t take any chances.

Others, though, appeared to be relatively jovial about the matter:

Hopefully Jessica and her baby will be okay and the swelling goes down soon.


And hey, if we look on the bright side, at least she painted her nails before taking the picture!

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