Here’s How Much Jedward Are Making Now

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Oh how the mighty fall…

Jedward. Once two great pillars of the pop music world they pioneered the music of young people everywhere to previously unforeseeable heights, reports the Mirror.


Like prophets of the modern world they picked up where The Beatles left off and carried their instruments, their triumphant swords, all the way home to Planet Jedward.

But now the tides of greatness have changed and Jedward have fallen from grace.

Since 2014, the entertainment firm owned by the two Dub twins’, Planet Jedward, has been on a constant decline and has lost over €234,000 (£206,000). £206,000 in two years! Oh how the mighty fall…


Apparently, accounts owned by both John and Edward showed a reported loss of €104,447 last year following on from an even bigger €130,182 in 2014. By the end of 2015, Jedward were in the red.


When you think that just four years ago the hyper-intense Irish duo were making an upwards of €578,654 those losses are pretty intense.

Last year Planet Jedward LTD only employed one person, aside from the directors, and that person was making €16,500 per year.

In the past Jedward have represented Ireland in two Eurovision song contests, met Michelle Obama, and appeared in Celebrity Big Brother – but now, they’re probably spending their time rewriting their CV’s and looking for full time employment.

It was good while it lasted guys. Who’ll ever forget such classics as ‘Luminous’ and ‘Lipstick’. ‘Lipstick’ was your magnum opus.