Justin Bieber Has Epic Wipeout On Stage During Gig

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There are just some things in life which are just guaranteed laughs and Justin Bieber falling over in any way, shape or form is definitely one of these moments.

He slipped and fell onstage at a concert on Wednesday evening in Kansas City, Missouri and it was absolutely glorious.


The Canadian singer completely wiped out during a rendition of his hit single ‘Sorry’ after he decided to run down a slope on stage made soaking wet from artificial rain (we assume the stage designer probably got sacked in the morning).

The show did go on and he didn’t seem to miss a beat despite his fall- with many news outlets now suggesting he was lip-syncing (no real surprises there).

As standard in 2o16, the brilliant moment was captured on a few fans phones and did the rounds on social media the following morning, because what’s better than seeing Bieber completely stacking it on stage?


Here’s just a few different angles for your viewing pleasure:

Yes Justin, it is too late now to say sorry…