Lil Dicky’s New Environmentally-Conscious Track Breaks Two Million Views In Hours

Lil Dicky Earth VideoLil Dicky/YouTube

I’m a Lil Dicky fan, not everyone is and that is fine – but whatever side of the fence you’re on you should check out his latest track.

Taking time away from rapping about the perils of his sex life, how he doesn’t live the stereotype cash money life of rap’s biggest stars, and switching bodies with Chris Brown (yeah I wasn’t sure about the last one either…), the Philadelphia rapper is just trying to do his bit for planet Earth.

Real name David Andrew Burd, Dicky’s latest track is simply titled Earth and is an ode to this rock we call home, and an appeal for humanity to wake up, appreciate the beauty of it and show it real love, love that is usually confined to comment sections rather than direct action.

Lil Dicky Earth video animationLil Dicky/YouTube

Dicky appeared on Jimmy Kimmel last night to give an early preview and talk a little on the conceppt behind Earth, and on the 32 artists he has collaborated with including, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, Ed Sheerhan, Sia, Bieber, Snoop Dogg, Leo DiCaprio, the list goes on…

He told the late night host:

There’s an environmental crisis going on right now, and the more the song is streamed and interacted with the more money we raise for charity. So, let’s save the Earth guys.

Click, share and discuss for the Earth guys!

Check it out:

The track dropped on YouTube in the US at midnight and in a matter of hours the message was resonating worldwide, racking up over one million views in just four hours, and over two million at the time of writing.

The video, its lyrics, its cameos, everything about it is still true to Lil Dicky’s irreverent style. Riddled with punchy phrasing that cuts to the core of existence, hordes of animals explain their being – no matter how simple.

We love the Earth, it is our planet, but not just ours. Do your bit and stop being the problem, be the solution.

Dicky’s right. We still don’t know shit, and we’ll never find out what we don’t know if their is no planet to support us.

The clock is ticking and has been for some time.

For more info check out, and to find out where you can stream or purchase Earth from clcik here.

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