Truth Behind Soulja Boy’s ‘$400 Million’ Deal Has Been Revealed

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Less than a month ago, the once huge hip hop star Soulja Boy went on a bizarre Twitter rampage spouting out something about confirming a $400 million (£272m) deal, but now it seems the wheel of fortuna has spun, and the truth has been revealed. 

Unfortunately for Soulja (not his legal name), that $400 million deal he was boasting like crazy about doesn’t really exist. Well, the deal does – it just isn’t a $400 million one or anything even close to that much for that matter, reports Forbes.


The reality is, Soulja Boy has merely signed a deal with the in-flight gaming company, World Poker Fund Holdings, who have given him 1.5 million shares in the company to promote them.


Personally, I’d be over the moon to garner up 1.5 million shares in the company, which equates to around about $2.5 million, but it’s only fair to say that the $2.5 million (£1.7m) is a whole galaxy away from the likes of $400 million – a number that the World Poker Fund could physically not afford to pay out.

Apparently, the company is on a bit of a losing streak – waving goodbye to $400,000 (£273,000) last year – and being worth merely $53 (£36) million as a whole.

They’re certainly nothing to laugh at, but since the literally impossible $400 million deal was just a stupendous bat of Twitter boasting, it’s hysterical.

World Poker Fund Holdings spokesperson Matthew Bird told Forbes:

He really kind of jumped the gun. The deal is capped at $400 million, and it’s based on a forward-thinking valuation of the company. He’s young, he’s 25 years old. He got really excited, and he tweeted something he probably shouldn’t have tweeted. He was getting a lot of pressure from within the entertainment community, so he wanted to put a statement out.

In the original tweet, Soulja Boy said that he felt ‘low balled’ to be only getting $400 million; now he must feel incredibly low balled since the real figure is just a fraction of what he boasted.


Oh Soulja Boy.