Ridiculous Joke Name Is Leading Vote To Name £200m Ship


An open vote which is allowing the public to name a new £200 million Royal Research Ship has an unexpected leader…

A team of scientists could soon be sailing around the poles in the brilliantly named RRS Boaty McBoatface – after nearly 16,000 people have voted for the name in an online poll, reports the Huffington Post.

The floating lab – designed to operate in sub-zero temperatures – could’ve been named after a famous explorer or even everyone’s favourite TV scientist David Attenborough, but it seems that piss-take titles are – obviously – more popular.

In a statement earlier this week the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) said: 

Shackleton. Endeavour. Falcon. These are just some of the names suggested for the UK’s next world-class polar research ship.

[This] ship will provide the UK with the most advanced floating research fleet in the world and will help put the UK at the forefront of ocean research for years to come.

Maybe, if anyone can take it seriously. Other names that’ve been suggested include RRS ItsBloodyColdHere, RRS Usain Boat and RRS Boatimus Prime (which definitely gets our vote). To have your say you can vote here.

Obviously, the Internet is absolutely loving this:



The name RRS Boaty McBoatface was suggested by Twitter user James Hand, who has now said: “I’m kind of scared it might actually win.”

Don’t be scared James, embrace the glory of being the guy who – hopefully – managed to name a scientific research vessel like a character from a Scottish cartoon.

This is everything that is good about the internet. Well played guys.