A, perhaps slightly obsessive, guy has built an incredibly realistic female robot that has more than a passing resemblance to Scarlett Johansson.
Ricky Ma, a product and graphic designer, has spent more than $50,000 (£34,000) and a year and a half creating the female robot prototype, ‘Mark 1’ reports The Mirror.
The 42-year-old admitted the lifelike humanoid had been modelled on a Hollywood star – but for some reason, refused to reveal her name.
Ricky said:
When I was a child, I liked robots, because I liked watching animation. All children loved it.
After I grew up, I wanted to make one. But during this process, a lot of people would say things like, ‘Are you stupid? This takes a lot of money. Do you even know how to do it? It’s really hard’.
It was only when he started building it that Ricky realised quite how much work would be involved.
It required electromechanics, programming, coding and a whole host of other skills:
I needed to build 3D models for all the parts inside the robot and make sure the robot’s external skin and its internal parts could fit together.
When you look at everything together, it was really difficult.
And it’s fair to say he’s done a damn good job. As well as moving its arms and legs, turning its head and bowing, Mark 1 can form detailed facial expressions and even respond to chat.
In response to the compliment: “Mark 1, you are so beautiful,” the robot bows as the ‘muscles’ around its eyes relax and corners of its lips lift, forming a smile before replying: “Hehe, thank you.”
About 70 per cent of the robot’s body was created using 3D printing technology – an entire 3D-printed skeleton is covered by silicone skin.
Ricky is extremely pleased with the result:
I figured I should just do it when the timing is right and realise my dream. If I realise my dream, I will have no regrets in life.
He now hopes an investor will buy his prototype, giving him the capital to build more.
I wonder who the next one ‘won’t’ be based on…