The Harry Potter series has spanned seven books, eight films and a whole heap of merchandise, but until now, a Harry Potter themed bar did not exist.
Now however, one has opened in Toronto, with two Harry Potter fanatics buying and opening a cocktail bar, called ‘The Lockhart’.
The bar was named after Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who of course died in the final book, along with his wife, leaving his son orphaned – but now fans of the popular character can at least take comfort in the fact he has a bar named in his honour.

The bar is not just named after the boy wizard – it is obviously decked out in a Harry Potter theme.
Potions and elixirs are on sale that carry names or themes from the books, including the Befuddlement draft and the Shacklebolt.

Co-owner of the bar, Paris Xerx, spoke to Now Toronto, and claimed:
Without knowing any of the Harry Potter stuff, you already will think of this as a cool bar.
You’d come here and see the stag’s head on the wall and go “Wow, I love that”, but a Harry Potter fan might say “That’s a Patronus”.
The menu has a whole range of stuff on it, and there is even one drink that has a link to the series that is so far left field, that if you actually manage to get it, you get the drink for free.
Amazing stuff.