An abandoned pitbull who was abused to the extent that half of its face was missing, has now been given a new nose and a new lease on life thanks to resconstructive surgery.
Two-year-old black pitbull Khalessi was reportedly found abandoned on an Orlando, Florida lawn without a nose or sinus cavity. She also had issues with her back legs and was severely underweight.
Her rescuer, Stephanie Paquin of Passion 4 Pits Rescue, believes that the dog had been severely abused but noted that “she does not let it affect her outlook on people” and that Khalessi “loves people”.
Now the pooch has a great new look which Hays Towne Veterinary Hospital revealed on social media on Thursday, posting a photo of Khalessi after her surgery.
Writing on Facebook, the animal hospital wrote:
This is the first picture of her “new” nose, courtesy of the surgical expertise of Dr Kerri Slomcenski and her team.
A Friday morning post from Hays Towne Veterinary Hospital’s Dr. Slomcenski added:
She had a slow recovery after her lengthy surgery yesterday but she is awake and stable. She is on pain medication and resting comfortably in ICU. Khalessi took her first full sniff this morning of her breakfast which she enjoyed.
She just finished her first meal and obviously enjoyed it very much. This is probably the first meal she has been able to smell in quite a long time. We are cautiously optimistic that her reconstructive surgery will stay intact. Khalessi has a long recovery ahead of her, but this is the first step in the right direction.
Khalessi will now need more surgeries and therapy to help repair her legs, as well as significant dental work because some of her teeth have exposed roots from the area of missing bone in her jaw.
For more information or to donate, visit the websites for Hays Towne Veterinary Hospital and Passion 4 Pits.