Aldi Selling Salted Caramel Gin Perfect For Christmas

Aldi salted caramel ginAldi

The best part of Christmas – aside from the food, obvs – is being able to consume as much alcohol as you want because calories don’t count in December.

So as you know, when a festive deal pops up out of nowhere – especially if it’s booze related – you’ve got to grab it by the horns before it’s gone.

Which is why I’m making you all aware of the salted caramel and apple flavoured gin currently on sale at Aldi; don’t tell me I never give you anything.

The gin is priced at just £14.99, making it the perfect choice this festive season – either for yourself or as a Secret Santa.

The product description tells you all you need to know:

A mouth-watering, irresistible salted caramel and baked apple gin liqueur, for those of you with the sweeter tooth.

What more could you want? Well, the gin is in fact a liqueur, meaning it has a 20 per cent ABV; in other words, the perfect tipple on Christmas Day so you won’t get too drunk and embarrass yourself in front of all your relatives.

If gin isn’t your thing though, but the thought of salted caramel has kept you reading for this long, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

Well, Aldi do because they’ve upgraded the mince pie to a delicious, salted caramel version of the festive snack and we’re all here for it.

The indulgent treats went on sale on November 1 – giving us nearly two months to stock up before the big day. Perfect!

Salted Caramel Mince PieAldi

At just £1.99 for a pack of six, there’s no excuse for your Christmas dinner not to feature a mince pie or two (or three, or four…). It’s only 33p per pie!

If you need any more convincing – although I’m not sure why you would – the internet is full of people raving about the treats.

One person expressed their delight on Twitter:

The Salted Caramel and Black Forest mince pies are the best. I *may* have eaten them already

While another wrote:

Just had an Aldi salted caramel mince pie….oh my word so good!

And another wrote something highly relatable TBH:

A little scared to do my @AldiUK shop today…. purely because I know I won’t be able to resist temptation of all the Christmas food. Mince pie ice cream? Salted caramel mince pies? 400 different cheeses? Fat for Xmas? Ohhh yes 🙋🏼‍♀️ #yolo

I feel ya sister. Calories don’t count at Christmas, remember?

And the mince pies are part of a whole festive collection from Aldi, who definitely seem to have a salted caramel theme going on. Because, why not.

Other items in the range include a ‘Specially Selected Salted Caramel Vodka Pudding’, which costs £6.99 for a pack of two; what more could you want than a salted caramel filling oozing out of a melt-in-the-middle sponge pudding? Exactly.

Both the puddings and the mince pies will pair perfectly with Aldi’s salted caramel flavoured ice cream, which costs £1.89 per tub.

Basically, you could have the best Christmas ever by nipping down to your local Aldi and stocking up on all this delicious goodness.

I’ll race you there.

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