Alien Hunter Claims To Have Spotted ‘Parked UFO’ On Google Maps

ufoaboveGoogle Maps

This photo of a parked ‘UFO’ in Romania has fascinated alien hunters for years, but they’ve missed one huge detail.

The photo, showing a very UFO-looking object, has gone viral amongst the alien-believer community after notorious ET spotter Scott Waring made a video claiming it was left there by outerspace visitors.

He failed to notice one thing though – the ‘ship’ is actually a water tower.

TowerGoogle Maps

In his 11-minute video, Scott mentions that people have said it may be a tower, but blatantly denies that it is one, saying that the 3D view clearly shows it is flat on the ground, like a UFO would be. So it’s definitely not a water tower then…


Continuing on his theory, Scott goes on to say that the whole setting looks very suspicious.

He says in his video:

There are no doorways and there are no roads or paved walkways.

Even though the houses look old and desolate, the buildings near the UFO…look old, probably made to look old on purpose to keep people away.

Maybe they’re just old, Scott.

But the Ufologist isn’t giving up just yet. He claims that the object’s 14.39 metre diameter is the perfect size for a classic space ship.

For some reason, and in his defence, Scott uses Google Map’s dated 3D feature rather than the more useful street view, which would show a photo of the object rather than its topography.

Unfortunately for him (and us), The Mirror have confirmed the alien spaceship is in fact just a building used for storing water.

Sorry, everyone.