There’s been some pretty epic photobombing this year, with even the likes of David Cameron getting stuck in. But this is definitely one of the most bizarre…
A woman has posted a selfie taken on a plane and claims she was photobombed… by an alien. Wait, what?
It sounds pretty fucking ridiculous, but if you look at the photo she kinda has a point. Olesya Podkorytov claims she had decided to take a selfie on the plane and at first had not noticed the figure a few seats behind.
Olesya – from the city of Kurgan in south-central Russia’s Kurgan Oblast region – said she took the picture during the flight, but when she posted it on social media her friends pointed out the unexpected passenger.

The woman was on a business trip and doesn’t even know why she decided to take a selfie (I don’t think anyone does) as it’s something she doesn’t usually do. When she shared the pic online, Olesya was bombarded with comments alerting her to the ‘alien’.
She said: “I uploaded the picture on my social media page, and then all the questions and comments hit me. There are no signs of eyes on the photo, just a “one-piece” dark green body.”
Some commenters even suggested it wasn’t even an alien, but a ghost- just as creepy. An aviation expert – Viktor Lunev – even got involved in the argument, commenting on the freaky photo:
Pilots and stewards are very superstitious and maybe there is a reason. In my experience I have never encountered anything of that kind. Maybe we could explain it with reference to some of the basic laws of physics.

Or maybe it’s just a very tall bloke… just saying.