Anders Breivik, Killer of 77 People, Says Norway Are Violating His Human Rights


Anders Behring Breivik, killer of 77 people, has claimed that his rights under the European Convention of Human Rights are being violated as he serves his 21 year prison sentence in Norway.

He is claiming that the degree of isolation he is subjected to, not to mention the censorship of his letters, means that his human rights are being violated, with his lawyer noting the it is a very ‘extreme degree of isolation’ that Breivik has been forced to experience. Health personnel and prison guards are the only people he has regular interaction with.

Breivik killed 77 people in a massacre back in 2011 when he detonated a bomb that killed eight people then went on to shoot a further 69 dead at a summer camp, most of whom were teenagers.


The maximum sentence that can be handed out in Norway is 21 years, which the right wing Christian fanatic received, although that can be extended should he still be deemed a threat to society upon his release, which is most likely (hopefully) going to be the case.

His lawyer, Oeystein Storrvik, is trying to argue that despite their claims, the Norwegian government are not upholding their obligations under the Human Rights act, and that Breivik should be allowed to interact with others, despite the risk to his safety and fact that he committed one of the most atrocious crimes the country (and world) had ever seen.