Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are going to bring a seventh child into their family. They are adopting a Syrian orphan, according to latest reports.
Angelina reportedly met with three Syrian brothers who were orphaned after their father was taken away by soldiers and their mother killed in a bombing accident.
According to a RadarOnline source Angelina wanted to adopt all three, but Brad said yeah nah. He thought going from six to nine children would be too hectic and disrupt the family too much as it is. They compromised on getting one new human.
As special envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Angelina has made more than six visits to Syrian refugee camps and has been an eyewitness to the atrocities happening in that part of the world.
At least 70,000 children have lost their fathers in Syria and another 3,700 have lost both parents.
A friend has also told the Express that the couple has been talking about this adoption for some time. “This is something that has become very close to their hearts,” the pal said. “They would like to accomplish it, if possible, before the end of the summer because, even though they are both busy, their diaries are relatively light for most of 2015.”
Last month Angelina was told she could not biologically have children again and needed to have her ovaries removed to prevent cancer. Two years ago she also underwent a double mastectomy as another preventative measure.
Brangelina currently have three biological children and have adopted three.
I reckon they would be awesome parents.
Above: war torn Syria.