More Game of Thrones character news for you all.
This time it concerns Sandor Clegane, AKA The Hound. We last saw Clegane lying on the side of a hill after a duel with Brienne of Tarth, not looking so good. Then Arya Stark refused him the mercy of a quick death and left him there to die.
We never actually saw him die, though. And now the actor that plays him, Rory McCann, has been spotted at a Belfast hotel often used by Game of Thrones cast members during filming, according to fan site Watchers on the Wall.
In other cast news, Natalie Tena (Osha) and Art Parkinson (Rickon) have also been seen in Belfast. The pair were last seen in the third season, when the Wildling woman whisked the youngest Stark away from danger.
And apparently Kit Harrington is also still in Belfast, taking an incredibly long time to film his Jon Snow ‘funeral scene’.
The series is set to return in April 2016.