Help may soon be at hand in the never-ending quest to find phone and WiFi signal.
The innovative app is yet to go public but the video above offers a strong indication of how it will likely work.
The waveforms that you can see represent a host of communication signals, while the noise produced indicates fresh signals.
Visually capable of inducing a fit, and sounding like a Geiger counter being taken on a tour of Chernobyl you may not want to stare at it for too long.
But it certainly offers a strong solution to a problem that so often plagues tech users by actually allowing them to see the waves of signal that surround them, wherever they may be.
Dutch producer of the app Richard Vijgen calls his creation ‘Architecture of Radio’.
A site-based version will be open to public viewing in Germany this September, at the ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe.
iOS users may have access to the app from as early as December, while Android users will have to hold on until early 2016.