With gym memberships on the rise there must be more six-packs out there than there is in Russell Crowe’s fridge. But all that cardio doesn’t come cheap. If only there was a way to exercise more and pay less. Well folks, here it is.
Eco Gym, based in Naperville – a suburb of Chicago – is getting its members to power it themselves in return for lower fees. By using cardio equipment set up to harvest energy, the gym uses its customers’ workouts to cut down on its energy bills and passes the savings back to keep people exercising.

General manager Chris Wersal said:
You incentivise yourself to pay less, but to pay less you have to come in more, so you’re getting more results. We do things so much differently than any other gym, we really want people to come in and see.
Due to its popularity Eco Gym is set to open a second site, even more revolutionary than its first, boasting 30 cardio machines, 24 hour opening and entry triggered by biometric finger scanners and facial recognition.
On top of all this exercisers will be able to sign up for a bespoke coffee membership allowing them to have a coffee, made to their specifications, waiting for them when they leave and membership is capped to make sure the gym is never too crowded.

While nothing’s set yet, the company is looking to expand further and say they ‘have enough confidence in [the] product to put it anywhere’.
Hit up the UK guys, we might not love exercise as much as the U.S. but we don’t half love a bloody bargain.