To say the relationship between Barack Obama and his half-brother, Malik, is strained is an understatement, and it probably won’t get any better after his latest Twitter rant.
Last night during a series of bizarre Tweets, Malik posted a picture of the former President Of the United States’ birth certificate.
The birth certificate appears to be of Kenyan origin, with the name and dates all seemingly belonging to that of Barack Obama. Malik’s posts only reignites the birther-movement theories that were started by opponents of the then-President and his administration, mainly from right-wing conservatives and Republicans.
Surely. What's this? pic.twitter.com/jaczNXTIv0
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) March 9, 2017
This ‘supposedly’ illegitimate birth certificate states that Barack was actually born in Mombasa, Kenya at the Coast Province General Hospital. The dates also correlate to his actual day of birth, however this is all wild speculation and there’s no way to prove whether what Mlik posted is real or just a doctored copy.
Consequently the Obama administration, released a copy to finally put an end to questions surrounding his country of birth.
It goes against the U.S constitution for someone who was not born on home soil to become POTUS.
Back in 2009, a man named Lucas Smith obtained a copy of this ‘supposed’ Kenyan birth certificate and posted it on eBay for people to bid on. However it was soon taken down as the website has a policy of banning users from selling ‘purported government documents’.
Malik’s attitude is both peculiar and hostile towards Barack, constantly calling into question his half-brother’s presidential decisions.
Despite both being best men at each other’s weddings, the former Democrat voter, who is both a Kenyan resident and a nautralised U.S citizen, has said he felt ‘deep disappointment’ in his presidency.
He also claims he’s done little to help his family back in Kenya, saying:
I’m very proud of my brother, but I would like for him to do a little bit more for the family on this side. I would like to say he could send some money.
I give money when asked. That’s what family is for. We’re not well off, though people think we are
During last year’s divisive presidential election, Malik threw in his support for Donald Trump, who gladly accepted it.
He announced that he’d be voting for Trump because ‘he speaks from the heart’, adding that:
Make America Great Again is a great slogan… I would like to meet (Trump)
His bizarre Twitter rant includes crazy post such as claiming to be the ‘Thot Patrol General for President Trump’.
I stopped being the first brother of the United States and became Thot Patrol General for President Trump. God is Great!
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) March 8, 2017
Malik the Thot Slayer!
— Malik Obama (@ObamaMalik) March 10, 2017
If Barack Obama’s daughters ask him on Christmas Day one time “Why don’t you ever invite Uncle Malik around?” we’re guessing all he has to do is show them his Twitter accountant.
I guess every family has that one uncle who turns up to the party acting a right (wing) mess, in the Obamas case it seems like it would be Malik…