Big Brother’s Andrew Tate may lose his place in the house after his racist and homophobic Twitter rant was exposed online.
The kickboxing champion – who claims to be ‘the most intelligent person in the house’ – sent abusive messages to Cheryl Fernandez-Versini over her marriage to footballer Ashley Cole back in 2012, The Mirror reports.
He tweeted: “Cheryl Cole is a massive w*g socket.”

He followed it up with another message reading: “@ChiaraRomano89 Chiara Romano and Cheryl Cole are both massive w*g sockets.”
Tate also called his brother ‘a fag’. Responding to a follower, he said: “Tristan would love that. He’s a fag.”

He also didn’t appear impressed that ‘gay issues’ were being taught to children. He wrote: “They are teaching gay issues to 7-hr old kids. BY LAW. A pure homosexual can not reproduce, so they need your children for new partners. OK.”

But the offensive posts don’t stop there. Other abusive tweets included: “FUCK running the final if I wanted to see black people running id just threaten them with jobs,” and “The racist lady on the train is right.” He also had a go at Drake, saying he ‘whines all the time’, ‘is gay’, and ‘looks like he has down syndrome’.
The tweets have since been circulating on Big Brother forums, and can be traced back to Tate’s Twitter account.

After being called out by a fan on Twitter though, Tate denied he is racist, saying he ‘hates white and black people the same’. Tate’s brother, Tristan Tate, however, has said otherwise.
He wrote on Twitter:
Andrew is well aware he won’t win. He knows it’s public vote and knows the public won’t like him. Don’t get it wrong. BBUK BigBrother.
#Bbandew exposed. He tweeted a black joke in 2012 hes racist. We both are. Google our dad “Emory Tate” he was a Klan member. #bbuk #rip #kkk.
A quick google of Emory Tate shows that he was a chess player however, and says nothing about the Klu Klux Klan.
@RZA Thought you'd appreciate this photo of you and my father. He was a fan of yours and you are a fan of his #chess pic.twitter.com/KxP1LpnuJz
— Tristan Tate (@TateTheTalisman) March 14, 2016
Tristan then goes on to tweet that if Andrew is kicked out, it’d be hilarious, seeing as they are mixed race:
I hope they kick Andrew out for being racist. It will be hilarious. #mixedrace #bbuk #blackdad @Cobratate pic.twitter.com/6hAxYaYvnr
— Tristan Tate (@TateTheTalisman) June 9, 2016
Our conclusion? It’s all very confusing. But going by Andrew’s tweets, there’s more than fair ground to kick the kickboxer out of the Big Brother house.