Black Family Exposes Racist White Couple In Facebook Live Video


Racist Couple ATTACK Black Family!!RACIST COUPLE Attacks Churchgoing BLACK FAMILY At Chesters In San Antonio TEXAS!! (Racial Tensions Are HIGH After ALL The Recent MURDERS!

Posted by Mediatakeout on Monday, July 11, 2016

A black teenager used Facebook Live to reveal just how ugly and present racism still is.

The 15-year-old was with her family at a restaurant in San Antonio, Texas after attending a church service. She says in the video that when she got up to get a drink, she heard a white couple cursing at her for no reason.

Taking her camera and her mum by her side, she walked up to the couple and said: “So, Facebook, this is what racist people looks like.”


Not seeming to be embarrassed, they said ‘Hi, Facebook!’ before launching into an attack of racial slurs at the teen and her family.

Then the white woman in the footage then began charging at the family, shouting: “You’re a fucking n****r,” while the man tried to hold her back.

She also shouted: “Take your n****r ass back to Africa, hoe,” and “My ancestors owned your ass.”


One of the black women responded saying: “I was born right here in America.”

When the racially charged exchange ended, the girl turned the camera to herself and explained to Facebook why she decided to record the interaction.

She said:

We’re monkeys, guys. That’s what they call us. They call us monkeys and n****rs and nobody is paying attention.

You know, I had to record it to let you all see. Because it’s real in San Antonio, too. For everyone who thinks it’s not real, it’s real in San Antonio.

That’s the problem though. You can’t fight these people because that’s how you end up in jail.


And she’s made a massive, worrying, and often overlooked point. Her footage of the ugliness of racism (and her courage to record it) reveals just how present anti-blackness and bigotry is – especially in America.

While the interaction itself is shocking, what’s even more disturbing is the fact that no one in the restaurant intervened. They just stared, or carried on with their meal.

No one got up from their seats. No one got the manager. No one stepped in and told the white couple to refrain from using racial slurs and no one defended the black family.

It’s 2016 and a black family can’t even sit in a restaurant and enjoy a meal without being called racial slurs? It’s despicable.