A white only dating site has caused quite a stir online forcing its founder to deny claims of racism.
Sam Russell insists the site is open to all races, but with a name like WhereWhitePeopleMeet it is not hard to see why people had other ideas.
Sadly for Sam it seems single white people looking for love in Utah would rather spread the net a bit further.
where white people meet’s numbers are making me lol pic.twitter.com/s05pnUupYi
— Alexis Kleinman (@alexiskleinman) January 5, 2016
The would-be matchmaker has sought to clarify that he is not a racist, however.
He told KUTV:
It wasn’t in any way shape or form based on racism or any of those types of things at all. We’re not racist in the slightest bit.
If the right exists to have a black people dating website, then it exists to have a white people dating website.”
He also had another ironclad defence ready when speaking to the Washington Post.
He said:
The last thing in the world I am is racist. I dated a black woman once. I helped raise a young black man … I just believe it’s hypocrisy to say ‘one group can do this, but another can’t.’”
Thankfully the good users of the internet are always on hand to point out when someone is being an absolute moron.
There is a new dating site called https://t.co/CFmDWzheKw. I have no idea why it doesn't just point you to a Mumford and Sons concert.
— Kevin Nguyen (@knguyen) January 5, 2016
Not enough white people on Tinder? Try a new whites only dating site!
"The last thing in the world I am is racist.”
— Brianna Wu (@Spacekatgal) January 6, 2016
IT'S UTAH! WHERE CAN'T YOU MEET WHITE PPL! RT 'Where White People Meet' dating site billboard turning heads in Utah https://t.co/q4BA9Viodg
— Jamiles Lartey (@JamilesLartey) January 4, 2016
Are you a white supremacist looking to meet someone special? Then do we have a site for you! #Racism #FacePalm https://t.co/HoWKwUnf6v
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) January 2, 2016
wut i wanna know is where is it that people are having trouble finding a pool of white people to date https://t.co/FXzf80Pxut
— Elahe Izadi (@ElaheIzadi) January 4, 2016
Seriously, in a state where 91% of citizens are white what is the point of this site?