Borussia Dortmund Have Officially Welcomed More Syrian Refugees Than The UK

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The refugee crisis in Europe has been hammering the headlines lately, and there have been some mixed reactions to it, and Germany seem to be leading the way.


There’s been a number of refugee camps set up in public parks across Germany, that have been welcomed by the vast majority of locals.


The other day, Borussia Dortmund did something that outshines everything that the UK has done with it’s ‘official refugee relocation scheme’.


220 refugees were invited to the German club’s game on Thursday against Norwegian side Odds Ballklubb in the Europa League.

In comparison, Britain has welcomed 187 Syrian refugees via the Vulnerable Person Relocation scheme since Theresa May in January 2014. Admittedly, letting them into a footy match isn’t quite the same as letting them in to a country, but still, it’s the outlook and approach in general.

Photo’s of the Syrian group were posted on the clubs official media outlets using the hashtag #RefugeesWelcome, and soon went viral on Twitter and Facebook.


It’s not new to German football, either. In April, Dynamo Dresden gave 300 tickets to refugees, and loads of teams have had banners showing support.


Fair play to BVB, it’s a noble gesture that perhaps some people could learn from.