A seven-year-old boy has donated all the money he had in his piggy bank, to a mosque that was vandalized in what police are calling a hate crime.
The Islamic Centre of Pflugerville, Texas, was targeted by a vandal who left torn pages of the Koran smeared with feces outside the mosques front door. The vandalism was found early Monday morning by a member of the mosque.
The generous young boy, Jack Swanson, went to the mosque that afternoon and gave them all the money in his piggy bank, $20 that he’d collected in the form of pennies over time.
Faisal Naeem, one of the mosque’s board members said:
Jack’s $20 are worth $20 million to us because it’s the thought that counts,Jack is just a little older than my son, Ibrahim. If we have more kind-hearted kids like them in the world, I have hope for our future.”
Jack’s mother, Laura Swanson, told ABC that she wanted to support the mosque and show that “what happened in Paris is not what’s happening in Pflugerville.”
Naeem said the mosque have been encouraged by the local community’s outpouring of support since the vandalism.
Flowers have now replaced the ripped and soiled pages outside the mosque.

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.