Brazilian Thief Has Explosive Way Of Getting Cash Out Of ATM

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Well that’s an interesting way to get money out of a cash point.


After our recent story about the politest armed robber ever, today we bring you more news from the world of thievery. This time the weapon is dynamite.


A thief in Brazil was caught on CCTV using the explosive to blast open a cash machine. The incident was filmed in Ponta Grossa, Parana state.


The suspect is seen making a hole in the machine, sticking the dynamite in and running the fuck away. He then returns to claim the stash.

The Parana RPC news site has reported that five suspected gang member were arrested in June, with 45kg of dynamite, enough to blow open 120 ATMs.


Local police commander Silvanei Almeida Gomes told the site:

We spent six months investigating this gang.

There are strong indications that this year they are responsible for 11 cases of theft at ATMs

I can’t help feeling that most of the money is now blown into tiny pieces though?
