Brilliant Video Of Deaf Woman Ordering At Starbucks Goes Mega Viral

Facebook/Rebecca King

This will make you feel a little bit better about the pretty grim world we live in…


Automated drive-throughs are not the easiest thing to negotiate when you’re a deaf customer, but this video emerged of probably the best customer service you’ll see – well it was in the U.S. after all.

Facebook/Rebecca King

As Rebecca King drives up to the kiosk and sees she is unable to reply to the radio voice asking for her order, you’re thinking deep down ‘this could end so badly’. But alas, an extremely friendly barista appears on the video chat and begins a sign language convo with absolute ease.


After being rather impressed by the whole encounter, Rebecca took to Facebook to upload the video and praise the barista saying, “Starbucks! This is what I’m talking about! Share it away! We can change the world!”

People took to social media to say how impressed they were by the baristas actions.

Talking to Fox 30 Action News, the barista Katie Wybie revealed that she has had a passion for sign language since she was in pre-school.

Starbucks baristas have been known to get names wrong on an all too regular basis, or sometimes write creepy messages on customers’ cups, – so it’s nice to see some are stepping up their game!


There are good people out there if you look hard enough…