Britain First Leader Paul Golding Chased Out Of Leicester By Anti-Fascists


Britain First’s attempts to campaign for Brexit were dealt an embarrassing blow this weekend, as their activists were chased out of the city of Leicester.

Leader Paul Golding was present as police had to be called to protect the right-wing group from anti-fascists, who challenged them on their reputation of being an odious bunch of racists.

As reported by the i100, around 20 members of Britain First set up a stall to hand out leaflets for Brexit, but they seriously underestimated the citizens of Leicester.

VIDEO: Britain First EU referendum campaign day of action in Leicester

Posted by Britain First on Saturday, May 21, 2016

Golding said in the video:

This town made very famous recently by Leicester City winning the premiership, which was quite unexpected, but we’re hoping to shift about 5,000 of these leaflets.

Is that the same Leicester City that has benefited from highly generous Thai investment as they won the Premier League?

The same Leicester City who saw their Algerian and Muslim player of the season Riyad Mahrez also scoop the PFA Players’ Player of the Year award?

The same Leicester that is renowned as having one of the most multi-cultural populations in the UK?

Golding and his men were fighting a losing battle before they had arrived, and it wasn’t long until anti-fascist campaigners turned up to voice their side of the argument.

Britain first in leicester

Posted by Ryan Chesh on Saturday, May 21, 2016

Such excellent people skills from the wannabe politician.

If people disagree with your point, don’t bother trying to talk them round with any kind of evidence based arguments, just call them trash. What could go wrong?

Oh, other than a town uniting against your group and you requiring police support to get away…

Well done Leicester!

Britain First have been seen off under heavy police protection. A large crowd of anti-racist…

Posted by Midlands Anti-Fascist Network on Saturday, May 21, 2016

Does it count as making ‘short shrift’ of someone if you’re the one who had to retreat with your tail between your legs?

Some of the leftwing trash that turned out in Leicester today! Our activists made short shrift of their attempts to silence us! OCS

Posted by Britain First on Saturday, May 21, 2016^tfw

Congratulations Leicester – it has been one hell of a year for the city, and you just keep moving on up in my estimations.