‘Britain’s Most Unloved Dog’ Gets Overwhelming Amount Of Offers For New Home

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A whippet who became known as “Britain’s most unloved dog” after spending 11 years without an owner has suddenly become a star attraction after hundreds of callers offered her a new home.


Maggie had just turned one when she was abandoned by a large family in 2003 who could no longer cope with owning a pet.


Poor Maggie had been overlooked by more than 50,000 potential owners in over a decade in kennels, and had actually outstayed some of the staff at Serendipity Kennels in Cellarhead, Staffordshire! But, after an appeal for someone to provide the pooch with a home, staff say they’ve been “overwhelmed” by the response, as animal lovers jammed their switchboard expressing interest in looking after Maggie.


Staff at re-homing charity Animal Lifeline will now assess the numerous properties to find out which homes are the most suitable for the dog.


Speaking to the Mirror Online, Steve Woodward, who runs Serendipity Kennels, said:

The response has been really overwhelming. She has spent 11 years being overlooked but now she had quickly become one of the most adored and our star attraction. We’ve been taking calls from people in Canada and America wanting to offer her a home, as well as across the whole of the UK.

It does look like her search for a home is finally over. We always like to do home-checks to ensure the environment is suitable. So it may be a bit more time before Maggie is actually moved – but all of a sudden she has so many options.

So things are definitely looking up for Maggie now. We love a happy ending! There’s still time to throw your own hat into the ring to own Maggie, by the way – anyone else interested in offering Maggie a home can call Serendipity Kennels on 01782 638341.