Cecil The Lion Set To Get A Beanie Baby In His Name



Does a day go by without someone mentioning Cecil the Lion or his ‘brother’ Jericho?

It certainly doesn’t seem like it, and while most people would fully agree that erecting a statue of the lion is going a bit too far, the idea of having a Cecil beanie baby to raise money for lions is actually a really good one.

Creators Ty came up with the idea, and the soft toy will be called ‘Cecil the Lion'(obviously) and aims to raise money for not only lions but all animals that are at risk of being killed by trophy hunting and really capitalise on the growing awareness of the issue.

All profits will go to the WildCRU, the Wildlife Conservations Research Unit at the Uni of Oxford, and will be in ‘memory of the beloved lion who was tragically killed.’

This comes on the back of Delta Airlines also agreeing to stop shipping trophy animal hunted bodies, and placing a ban on elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard trophies, with WildCRU having received almost half a million pounds in donations since the death of Cecil.