Charles Bronson Just Got Harder With Extreme Diet And Fitness Regime

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Charles Salvador Art Foundation

Charles Bronson – who changed his name to Charles Salvador last year – admits he ‘got fat’ after eating a few too many chocolate bars.


The 62-year-old has now ditched the treats and lost four stone in the process, by just having a solitary main meal a day alongside a bowl of soup, an ungodly amount of water (eight pints to be precise) and doing 2,000 press-ups daily- that’s gotta hurt.

After getting down to 14 stone and losing any fat, the renowned criminal has now built up his strength with a new exercise regime and scoffing 18 egg whites in one sitting every five days. Can the mind vomit?

His fiancée Lorraine Etherington says he his now back up to 16 stone after gaining two stone in ‘muscle and bulk’- so his new regime is obviously giving him results.

Although, I can’t imagine Charles Bronson fitness videos hitting the shelves any time soon. The most infamous convict in the U.K. is currently serving life for kidnap and robbery in HMP Wakefield. Since he went to prison 40 years ago, he has attacked at least 20 prison officers.


A prison source said a ‘tougher Bronson’ was the last thing wardens want. No shit.