Chewbacca Mom Has Now Officially Gone Too Far

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Candace ‘Chewbacca Mom’ Payne – the woman whose Facebook Live video brought joy to millions – has now been given her own Hasbro action figure.

Back in May, Candace bought a talking Chewbacca mask and, on returning to her car, could barely contain her excitement – broadcasting a video of her pure, unadulterated joy at wearing the Wookie’s face while sitting in her car.


It’s fair to say the footage went viral, becoming the most viewed Facebook Live video ever, bringing a hell of a lot of joy to a hell of a lot of people in the process.

And it seems like Hasbro are keen to cash in on her fame, as their new action figure is of Candace as Chewbacca with a tiny removable mask, reports Mashable.

According to Entertainment Weekly, a Hasbro representative confirmed that the ‘Chewbacca Mom’ action figure has 13 catchphrases – including Candace’s crazed laugh from her original video.


The unveiling of the figure doubled up as a meet and greet, as fans wearing the electronic Chewbacca masks – of course – snapped photos of Candace on the red carpet while the Hasbro Star Wars team posed with the viral star.


But don’t get over excited just yet. The action figure isn’t available online at the moment, but it shouldn’t be too long, as somehow the demand certainly seems to be there.


Who knew sitting in a car park laughing could be so lucrative?