Three Chilling Words From Serial Killer Asked If He Felt Any Remorse About Murders


When dealing with the subject of crime, particularly when it deals with cases such as murder, more often than not there’s a motive behind the act.


However, as Sir Trevor McDonald found out on last night’s episode of Crime & Punishment on ITV there are those who commit heinous acts who not only have no shred of remorse but also reveal that their upbringing was perfectly normal.

In a rather frank and somewhat chilling interview with death row inmate William Clyde Gibson, for once in the iconic news reporter’s career, you sense he was momentarily taken aback by what he discovered.


Check out the full exchange in the video below:

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Gibson, from south Indiana, is currently on death row awaiting execution after being found guilty of murdering three women in cold blood. In the latest episode of Crime & Punishment McDonald wanted to find out if Gibson ‘feels any remorse’ for the atrocities he committed.

He reveals on camera that he had a very normal childhood as well as claiming that he committed the murders of Karen Hodella, Christine Whitis and Stephanie Kirk because he ‘felt like it’.


Speaking to McDonald he stated how:

Everybody thinks when you do the type of stuff I did, people automatically think it’s because you had a bad childhood.

They think you were molested, or ask you if you started fires – I didn’t do any of that.

I had a perfectly normal childhood.


His first victim was Hodella, she was 44 at the time of her gruesome murder. When asked by McDonald as to why he killed her he nonchalantly says ‘I just felt like it… I didn’t have to have a reason’.

McDonald, who was clearly shocked at how casual and comfortable Gibson was when talking about his murders – almost in a boastful-like manner, asked if he thought the soon-to-be-executed inmate had any sense of humanity.


Gibson’s response was unsurprisingly chilling, stating:

I don’t believe I’ve got any humanity. It just doesn’t seem to affect me.

I could kill a person and then just go out for dinner. I don’t care.


Throughout the candid interview, Gibson’s mannerisms appeared to be that of a cold-blooded killer with no hint of regret or guilt for his victims, or their friends and family.

When describing his murders he tells McDonald that:

I got a kick out of cutting them up. Seems like after the first one it just got good to me.

At first I was kind of nervous about it, but then after the first one… It wasn’t just women, there were men too. They just didn’t find them, I didn’t say anything about them.’

During last October’s episode of Crime & Punishment, Good Morning Britain’s firebrand host Piers Morgan came face-to-face with convicted murderer Mark Riebe, who has always protested his innocence.

[ooyal[ooyala player_id=”5df2ff5a35d24237905833bd032cd5d8" auto=”true” width=”640" height=”360" pcode=”twa2oyOnjiGwU8-cvdRQbrVTiR2l” code=”pxbjkxZDE6zbI-QYAa2G-GDA4mo2z–9"]p>As the interview went on Morgan, known for his frank – if not controversial style – of interviewing, told Riebe that he didn’t believe he was innocent, which caused the serial killer to abruptly walk out of his interview.