North Korea have decided to shut down on the bullying names China have been using, against Kim Jong-Un in the media.
According to Sky News, China have chosen to run with that completely, (I suppose you would though…) and ban him being called ‘fatty,’ at least in public domains.
Ooh, burn.
Chinese websites have launched into action, censoring website’s jibe throwing at the leader, calling him “Kim Fatty The Third.”
They’re brave…
Geng Shuang, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman remarked: “The Chinese government stays committed to building a healthy and civilised environment of opinions.
“We disapprove of any country with insulting and mocking remarks.”
Fair enough then, can’t argue with that and to be honest, it’s probably a wise choice…
To make their decision even more final, results for the insult put into Chinese search engines, Baidu and Weibo, have ominously been removed…
Although, interestingly, Baidu have left results for other versions of the joke, including ‘Kim Fat Fat Fat.’

Perhaps leaving themselves a loop hole then maybe…
The relationship between the two countries has been under strain recently, because of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme.