Cocky Suspect Uses Own Wanted Poster As Facebook Profile Pic


We may just have another new contender for world’s dumbest criminal courtesy of this guy right here.

This is Mack Yearwood. The 42-year-old from Stuart, Florida was a wanted fugitive but was soon found and arrested by police after changing his Facebook profile picture to his wanted poster with his mug shot on it. Oh dear.

We can’t decide whether this guy was just being cocky or he was just a full-on idiot, probably a bit of both going by his actions.

37DCC80200000578-3772207-image-m-18_1472911764855Martin County's Sheriff Office

Clearly not understanding how social media works he kept his wanted poster as his profile pic for all to see, despite being warned by family members that the police could use his activity on Facebook to find him.

The Florida man confidently said that the police would not be able to find him before typing and posting his location onto his public profile picture.

And soon enough the inevitable happened, with officers arresting Yearwood in Palm Beach County, according to WPBF-TV.

Facebook is a great way to communicate and connect with old friends and family.

If you are wanted by the police, it’s…

Posted by Stuart Police Department on

Stuart police were on the hunt for Mack Yearwood after a Monday night call to the office with reports of a disturbance with an alleged battery at a home.

While investigating detectives found Yearwood’s Facebook page and the Citrus County wanted poster he was using as his Facebook picture.

Yearwood posted the photo in March of this year, but the warrant was shared online in October of last year by Citrus County Sheriff’s Office.


He was arrested for the warrants from Citrus County and a marijuana possession charge.