Confused Woman Gives Birth An Hour After Finding Out She’s Pregnant

ABC News

A woman in Massachusetts has given birth after going into hospital with severe stomach pains, unaware that she was actually in labour.

47-year-old surprised mother of one Judy Brown took herself to Beverly Hospital in Massachusetts on Wednesday complaining of severe stomach cramps, but ended up giving birth to an eight-pound baby girl. Mrs Brown thought that the recent increase in size was her body going through the menopause.

ABC News

She told NBC News:

It was a little bit scary getting into the hospital thinking something was really bad was going on. To understand and take in that was I pregnant and was about to go into was very overwhelming.

After being happily married for 22 years, Judy and her husband Jason have confessed that having a baby wasn’t on their to-do list, and were so unprepared they had to borrow a child seat and a bassinet before they could leave the hospital.

Baby Carolyn Rose was born healthy, and is probably in much better condition than her bewildered parents.