It’s your wedding day; the happiest day of your life – a day to be documented for all eternity with pictures to show your grandkids in years to come.
But this just-married couple staged an NSFW woodland scene, in which they appear to be performing an oral sex act to celebrate their nuptials – because apparently it’s not just the groom who kneels while proposing marital bliss.
You’d think the newlyweds would be leaving this particular wedding photo out of the family album – you might be wrong though, as to make matters weirder, it was one of their mums who suggested the stunt, apparently!

The picture of the Dutch couple, whose names have not been published, shows a bride dressed in a traditional white gown, on her knees in a patch of forest.
The groom, dressed in a sharp blue suit, is seen standing in front of the bride with his pants down, seemingly watching over his new wife performing an oral sex act on him.
The caption on the picture reads:
Some newlyweds cannot wait for the party to be over so they can quietly retreat to their suite for a smashing wedding night.
Luckily they already exchanged their wedding vows and they were officially married.
Posted by Michelklooster.com on Tuesday, 26 July 2016
The highly unusual, and somewhat controversial wedding photo went viral in the Netherlands and gathered more than 27,000 likes, a figure which will be the envy of most brides, I’m sure.
Michel Klooster, (pictured above) is the photographer responsible for what might be the most bizarre wedding picture ever taken – he said he’s already had three requests of other couples asking to take a similar picture.
According to Klooster, it’s a picture which is merely suggesting something exciting is happening.
He said he saw a similar picture once on an American website and thought it was a funny idea.
Boer zoent vrouw op 28/7/17.
Posted by Michelklooster.com on Monday, 31 July 2017
Klooster, who has been working as a professional photographer for eight years, says he’s quite open-minded but at times does have to tell his clients ‘no’ when the work becomes too pornographic:
I don’t want private parts visible on the picture, but everything that creates the impression is interesting. They were very cheerful people. A nice and casual wedding, at which everything did not have to be so formal.
Anyone who thinks this is offensive, still lives in the year 1996 according to my opinion. Of all the pictures taken, there is one that is playful, which in ten years is still fantastic to talk about.
Give these people their joy. That is also something I wish to you. Life is already prudish enough.
My side of the story.
Posted by Michelklooster.com on Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Klooster was quick to point out the picture is in no way a marketing stunt and said he was merely giving the couple pleasure by giving them the photo they wanted.
They say something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue, right? They’ve got the new wedding dress, and the blue suit, their tale as old as time…
Does the product of this little shared moment count as something borrowed?

A former emo kid who talks too much about 8Chan meme culture, the Kardashian Klan, and how her smartphone is probably killing her. Francesca is a Cardiff University Journalism Masters grad who has done words for BBC, ELLE, The Debrief, DAZED, an art magazine you’ve never heard of and a feminist zine which never went to print.